We Help
We want to help and need your help!
Your opinion is needed!
The Urtikaria-Helden gUG has set itself the goal of helping those affected.
In order to achieve this goal, we are engaged in extensive discussions with politicians to promote research and to make urticaria socially acceptable. We are also working with the State Office for Health and Social Affairs to ensure that a GdB of at least 50 is awarded for severe chronic urticaria according to the table of medical care principles.
We want to achieve, among other things, to be able to prove that it is very difficult to find outpatient dermatologists who are familiar with urticaria; that it takes a very long time to get appointments, e.g. in the urticaria consultation hours; that the understanding in the environment often runs towards 0; what massive restrictions the affected persons have in life due to urticaria; that not enough information is provided about the disease; that more research is absolutely necessary and much more.
This is exactly where we want to start: to point out and draw attention to urticaria and the circumstances surrounding the disease.
To do this, we need your support, because who better to point out where things are going wrong than those of us affected ourselves?

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About US
Heroes are not infallible, but they show courage, determination and bravery when it counts.